Keeping Good Company – The Seeker’s Greatest Companion
Among nature’s many lessons applicable to our lives is this old proverb: Birds of a feather flock together. My parents were concerned about the “birds” of my teen years, my friends. The use of recreational drugs like LSD was on the rise. As good parents, they hoped to protect me from certain types of friendships….Read More

An Introduction to Meditation
The term meditation has become common in the West, but when you’re new to the concept it can be bewildering. Let’s start with a brief introduction to meditation and a simple instruction for meditation practice. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will experience the many benefits of meditation. What is Meditation? Most traditional…Read More

How to Know God, The Yoga Aphorisms of Patañjali
Many Eastern scriptures are now provided in English. Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras is an essential text to the aspiring yogi. The Sūtras describe the path to enlightenment by various traditional practices. The first sūtra states a definition of yoga that is sometimes forgotten: “Yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind.” The mind plays the…Read More

The Search for Happiness
Everyone wants to be happy. It’s such a strong, deeply rooted desire that we rarely even think about it. However, if we observe our actions carefully, we realize that the motivation behind them is the desire to be happy. In our search for happiness, we form relationships or change jobs. We buy the latest gadget…Read More

Paramahansa Yogananda
On January 5, 1893, a child was born to a devout couple in India. This boy grew up to become the yoga master we know as Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogananda is one of the first East Indians to bring yogic principles and techniques to America. He was a prolific writer and an energetic speaker, filling the…Read More

A Welcome to Sincere Seekers
However you’ve landed here today, it’s because you are looking for something. You may be very successful from a material standpoint, having achieved success in your career and accumulated wealth. You may be surrounded by loving family and friends, and you may have made significant contributions to society. Or you may have traveled the world…Read More

श्री गुरुदेव Today’s world is full of information. We can know so much. What was once considered secret can be found on the Internet within a few minutes. Yet true wisdom is difficult to experience. This is especially true for the subject of yoga. All the secrets of the great yoga Masters are posted on…Read More

श्री गुरुदेव Salutations to the Supreme Guru! A work such as Quiet Karma could not thrive or survive without the blessings of its inspiration. That inspiration is my Guru: Svāmī Gurupremānanda Sarasvati. This work is dedicated to Him.
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