Self-Inquiry: Who Am I?
As thoughtful and conscientious people, we want to live our lives well. Today I’d like to introduce a very simple technique that you can use every day. It doesn’t take any time. You can do it while driving to work, taking a shower, or washing dishes. Practicing this technique will guide you from within. The…Read More

The Spiritual Path
Two things are certain in our lives: birth and death. Everything between those two events is uncertain. Yogis tell us that we bring our past-life karma into each new birth. And that our attitude and the choices we make along the way determine the circumstances of our future births. We can’t do anything about the…Read More

What Does Enlightenment Mean?
What would you say if I told you that spiritual enlightenment is attainable to anyone who wants it? You might say that it’s just not possible in today’s world. We have too much to do, too many responsibilities. Or you might propose that enlightenment can only be achieved by a very rare person, like the…Read More

Upon the joyful news of his birth, Mila Sharab Gyalten named his newborn son Thopaga, “Delightful to Hear.” This name turned out to be fitting. The child would eventually become one of Tibet’s most beloved poet-saints, known for his beautiful singing voice and inspiring spiritual songs. Many of these poems survived the centuries and continue…Read More

Sanskrit, The Language of Yoga
All subjects of study have a language of their own. Sanskrit is the original language of yoga as well as many other philosophies and religions that originated in India. Sanskrit is affectionately known as “the language of the gods” because of its spiritual influence. The recitation of Sanskrit mantras creates harmonious vibrations, bringing peace and…Read More

Book Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita (aff link) often referred to as the Gita, is considered by some to be the Hindu Bible. It does, however, transcend religion and is a useful companion to all spiritual seekers. The Gita’s written form is believed to be more than 2,000 years old, and, like most Indian scriptures, oral transmission goes back…Read More

The True Meaning of Yoga
Yoga has become a household word since its introduction to the West a little more than 100 years ago. Since then, the general public’s understanding of yoga and its primary purpose has taken an unintended turn. We’re accustomed to seeing the word yoga alongside an image of slim and fit people. They might be performing…Read More

Śrī Ramakrishna
Throughout human history, the spiritual influence of many people endures. Jesus Christ and Buddha come to mind immediately when we consider this type of influence. We know that they both walked the earth, spreading the knowledge of their experience of God. Their influence was so strong that their disciples continued their teachings. Organizations, like churches…Read More

The Meaning of Namaste
नमस्ते If you’ve ever taken a yoga postures class, the word namaste is already familiar to you. Teachers often begin or end their classes with a simple gesture of placing their hands together and saying, “Namaste.” It makes us feel good: yes, indeed, I’m doing yoga now. But what is the meaning of namaste? Namaste:…Read More

The Benefits of Meditation
We’re all familiar with the old saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side.” Of course it has nothing to do with the color of our lawns. Since the beginning of time, we’ve been looking for something better. It’s human nature to be fascinated by stories like Ponce de León and his search…Read More
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