Reading about the lives of saints is one way that we can learn important spiritual teachings. Stories about events in saints’ lives show us how to apply the lessons they learned to our own struggles. Saints lead by example, and to the degree that we are willing to learn, we follow their examples. This month’s…Read More

Spiritual Growth: Increasing Your Spiritual Bank Balance
Why does it seem like some people have all the luck? They have a harmonious family life, stable finances, a strong and healthy body, and a sharp intellect. We’d say that the cards of life are stacked in their favor. The conditions mentioned above can be thought of as good luck—or good karma. But there’s…Read More

Book Recommendation: A Search in Secret India
Few books can be considered ideal starting points for someone curious about yoga as a spiritual path. A Search in Secret India (aff link) is one of those books. First published in 1934, it’s one of the earliest accounts of a Westerner’s spiritual quest undertaken in India. Paul Brunton, pen name for Raphael Hurst, was…Read More

How to Get Back Into Meditiation
Whether you’re new to meditation or have been practicing for years, it’s almost certain that someday you’ll need to get back into meditation again. Everyone has lapses in their practice. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes life gets in the way of even our most treasured activities. It’s difficult to continue a normal routine…Read More

Every year thousands of pilgrims flock to Ālandi, the home of India’s most revered child saint. Jñāneshvar, also called Jñānadeva, lived more than seven hundred years ago, but his memory is secure in the minds of spiritual aspirants. The story of Jñāneshvar’s life, from birth to the unusual circumstances of his death, is unforgettable. Religious…Read More

The Better World Handbook
Creating good karma is as easy as thinking good thoughts and performing good actions. In the post “An Introduction to Karma” I noted ways you might improve your karma. Today I’m offering more concrete suggestions. Whether we’re living in a cave, a small town, or a big city, we must act. According to the laws…Read More

What Does Karma Mean?
The Sanskit term karma made its way into Western culture in the late 1800s. Its original usage is found in the most ancient yogic scriptures, the Vedas. These predate the written word by centuries. The principle behind karma is universal. It applies to several spiritual philosophies, everyday life, and even science. The Meaning of Karma:…Read More

The Benefits of Studying the Lives of Saints: Part II
Studying the lives of saints inspires us along our spiritual journey. We learn about the possibilities of our own achievements through their examples. Part one of this article defines a saint and explains the value of hero worship. A saint, by the Eastern definition, is a human being who has achieved spiritual enlightenment. You might…Read More

The Benefits of Studying the Lives of Saints: Part I
Some people believe that living a spiritual life is austere, difficult, or unpleasant. Not fun at all. They think, “That’s the price you must pay until you reach the summit of eternal joy.” If you think this, then I’ve got good news for you: nothing could be further from the truth. It’s true that enlightenment,…Read More

Book Recommendation: Holy Mother, Being the Life of Sri Sarada Devi, Wife of Sri Ramakrishna and Helpmate in His Mission
When I’m looking for inspiration, I often turn to the story of Sarada Devi, a woman saint born in 1853. We each have difficulties on our personal journey, but the story of Holy Mother, as many knew her, brings perspective to our own problems. Modern Westerners would view Sarada Devi’s life as one of severe…Read More
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