The Niyamas
Living yoga as a spiritual path is a journey. And it has a definite goal. Some people begin a journey just for the fun of it, like an adventure. Indeed, many yoga students begin with this in mind. You hear that yoga is good for your body. Then you discover that it also has some pleasant mental…Read More

The Language of Yoga: Ātman
One of the most mysterious—and confusing—terms in yoga philosophy is Ātman. Sanskrit is a language of profuse synonyms, and the confusion is partly due to Ātman’s many synonyms. This post will help you work through some of the terminology related to Ātman so you can gain useful knowledge of this important word. Ātman: Sanskrit and…Read More

Ānandamayī Mā
Keeping company with saints is one of the best ways to help us focus on our spiritual path. Saints help us realize Divinity within ourselves as well as others. They lift us up. We come to them with the desire for wealth, pleasure, and worldly gains. But saints demonstrate the true value of human life—an…Read More

Discovering Your Inner Witness
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras begin with this statement: “Yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind.” On first reading, you might think this remark is absurd. Isn’t it more likely that our thoughts control us? They arise without ceasing. Life’s challenges and frustrations run through our minds constantly—as if we could control them with more…Read More

The Power of Thought
“A man is what he thinks about all day long.” This quote is attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson. Emerson, an American writer and philosopher, studied Indian texts like the Bhagavad Gita. He believed, as yogis do, that the world we experience is created by our thoughts. This principle is as old as humanity itself. Here’s…Read More

Who Are You?
We wear many hats throughout our lives, filling different roles. These include our relationships, occupations, and activities. Additionally, we might strongly identify with our body, being male or female, tall or short, flexible or strong, fit or fat. As we observe our thoughts, we can see which roles and conditions prevail. One role might…Read More

Sai Baba of Shirdi
The young man was an odd sight when he first appeared under the neem tree. The place and time: Shirdi, a tiny village in India, mid-1800s. Clad in rags, he sat in meditation for hours, oblivious to the world around him. The village children thought he was crazy, and they threw stones at him. But…Read More

Getting to Know the Gunas: The Building Blocks of Creation
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” These first words from Genesis are familiar to anyone who’s picked up a Bible. People with religious or spiritual leanings assume the concept of creation. We accept that the universe was created—not quite by accident. Although, who’s to say that an all-powerful being didn’t light…Read More

Seeking Spiritual Enlightenment: Making Meditation a Priority
When I was a young girl, a new world was emerging for women. Women had already won the right to vote years earlier. Society was beginning to accept women in roles traditionally held by men. They could become doctors, lawyers, and astronauts. As a woman-to-be, I was encouraged to think and dream big. I was…Read More

The Yamas – Rules for Living a Charmed Life
Have you ever noticed that for some people, “everything is coming up roses”? In other words, they live a charmed life. These people always have everything they need. Prosperity drops into their laps without effort. They have more than enough time and money, friends, and good health. They live their lives and let blessings rain…Read More
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