Śrī Ramakrishna on Spiritual Practice
We can learn much through the conversations recorded between Gurus and their disciples. In this post, we reflect on advice given by Śrī Ramakrishna to his disciple known as M. M is the author of the Gospel of Śrī Ramakrishna, the most important text on the life and teachings of this unique saint. M recorded…Read More

Introduction to Bhakti Yoga
What would you say if I told you that you could achieve spiritual enlightenment in this lifetime? You might have some doubts. Most people believe that enlightenment is too difficult to achieve—ever. There are mistaken beliefs that we must give up our homes, wear orange robes, and beg for our food. Those rumors also say…Read More

Saṁsāra: Groundhog Day
One of my favorite movies is the 1993 film Groundhog Day (aff link). This fictional story is based on an actual event held each February 2nd. Celebrations of Groundhog Day are held in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. If the day is sunny and clear, the groundhog emerges from its burrow and sees its shadow. This predicts another…Read More

Sleeping Meditation
You might have heard of the popular practice known as walking meditation. As the name suggests, it’s walking done with intent and purpose. But have you ever heard of sleeping meditation? This is a useful tool for spiritual aspirants. We’re always looking for ways to boost our practice. Many years ago, a young disciple asked…Read More

Truthfulness: The Essential Quality on the Spiritual Path
We’re not all born angels. When I was five years old, I told a lie. Of course, I don’t remember what the lie was, but I clearly recall my father’s reaction: “You can’t lie to me—it’s written all over your face!” Imagine my horror at this discovery—when I tell a fib, writing appears on my…Read More

Yogananda’s Inspirational Quotes for Meditation
Don’t you just love to be around happy people? Is there a person in your life whose presence is always uplifting? Someone who fits that description is my workout buddy, Rick. When Rick appears, I can’t help but smile. Maybe it’s because he approaches me cheerfully. Rick always has good things to report. He looks…Read More

Spiritual Journaling
Meditation is a powerful practice on the spiritual path. If you meditate, you will evolve intellectually and spiritually. On this lifelong journey of inner growth we learn constantly. Everyday life and events provide opportunities to apply your knowledge. And you grow in wisdom every single day. But it’s not always easy to see your progress….Read More

Yoga’s Mantra of Perfection and Peace
Years ago, I discovered this quote in yoga literature: “One should regard everything as good and auspicious, realizing that everything is the one Self.” Yoga Vasishtha VI:58 I often write favorite quotes on sticky notes. Then I place them conspicuously. I enjoy contemplating them. This quote has been especially helpful during challenging times. It’s not…Read More

World Peace vs. Inner Peace
It seems that people are concerned more about world peace than ever before. At least that’s what I gather from the snippets of news reports that reach my ears. I even hear murmurs about the imminence of World War III. However, today’s political unrest and social strife are not unique. I know this because I’ve…Read More

Jesus’ Message of Love
Quiet Karma adheres to the Indian tradition of honoring saints of all faiths and creeds. Jesus of Nazareth deserves this recognition. No other human being has made his influence more known in every corner of the world. You don’t have to be a Christian to know that Jesus existed. Christmas is the day traditionally recognized…Read More
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